Prayer Ministry
Through prayer, Bible study, and Fellowship, Maranatha Prayer Ministry’s mission is to help people have a closer, stronger, and more intimate relationship with Christ and each other. Jesus said, “Mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people…I will make them and the places round about My hill a blessing” (Isaiah 56:7; Ezekiel 34:26).

AYM Youth Ministry

Community Service Ministry
Free Food Giveaway. December 18th, 2021

Religion Liberty News
What will the PARL director do?
The South Central Conference PARL department is available to do the following:
- Speak at engagements promoting PARL issues
- Assist with writing letters concerning religious liberty issues at the workplace or school
- Collaborate with the local church’s PARL director to promote PARL initiatives in your churches/organizations

Seeds of Hope Publishing Ministry is governed by the Family Health Education Services department of the South Central Conference of SDA. It serves to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout its territory of Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, and the Florida Panhandle. It also allows academy and university-aged students to be involved in the mission while raising funds for their school’s tuition.

Stewardship Ministry
Adventists recognize that God claims 10 percent (10%) of our income as His own, and so we faithfully return His tithe to the “storehouse” (Mal. 3:10). After tithing, we give offerings according to our blessings and generosity (2 Cor. 7:6-8). There is indication in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy that regularity and proportionality are good principles to follow. We are, therefore, encouraged that our offerings be a regular percentage of our income. We call this kind of giving a “PROMISE.” Giving to those in need or to other projects may take place in addition to this. In this way, God has led us to fund the global mission of the church.

Family Life Ministry
Men's Ministry
The mission of this ministry is to “galvanize the energy of men for God, family, and community.” The vision statement proclaims, “Men who love and are committed to God, their families and their communities.”
Women's Ministry
Personal Ministry
Personal Ministries is very important to our Church and Community. It endeavors to inspire, motivate, equip, train, and mobilize all members.
The Personal Ministries Department was established as an important agent for soul winning within the church. It exists to teach and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in response to the command of Jesus in the context of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12. Seeking to fulfill this mission the Personal Ministries Department continues to communicate the good news of salvation with the objective of winning, maintaining and preparing men, women, young people, boys and girls, in our territory to meet Jesus, and to design programs and resources to help the church in the fulfillment of its mission.
Music Ministry
Powerful relevant Music Ministry at Maranatha.
We do not own the rights to this Music